Students (6th - 12th Grade)
Who We Are
Crosspointe Student Ministry is determined to provide a place in which your student(s) may grow in Christ, experience His Glory and make Him Known. We want to stress that it is okay to struggle as a Christ-follower. It is okay to doubt and it is okay to disagree. We want this place to be a safe environment to grapple with God in a tangible way!
What We Do
We love to keep busy at Crosspointe and this is not any different in our Student Ministry.

Wednesdays in September - May at 6:30PM, we have a Bible-Study. This time of fellowship and study is our flagship, our main event, and you are surely missing out if you are not involved. This study is for anyone and everyone so bring yourself and your friends! We frequently will have food and other amazing things!
Crosspointe Student Ministry also hosts special events. These events range from Concerts to Lock-In's to Christmas Parties!
Questions & Additional Information: Contact Pastor Andrew at